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Equality Objectives

In line with legal requirements the school has a duty to publish formal objectives to aid equality of opportunity for all at the school.

Our objectives for 2022 - 2025 have been developed by the governing body through the evaluation of school data, policies, practice and feedback.

They are:

1. to reduce the number of pupil premium pupils 'Not on track' to reach Age Related Expectations to be in line with the non-pupil premium pupils and the overall school outcomes. 

2. to further engage and seek increased representations from families of ethnic minority groups within the governing body and parent forum.

These objectives will be evaluated and reviewed annually.

* Pupil premium refers to children who trigger government funding as they are currently eligible for Free School Meals or have been at some point in the past 6 years.  

Further details of the schools actions in regard to compliance with the Equality Act 2020 and the Special Educational Needs Disability Regulations 2014 can be found within our Equality Scheme and SEN policy situated in the Policy section of this website.