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Coronavirus (Covid-19) Catch up Premium

The plan below details how we are currently utilising the Coronavirus Catch-up premium. 


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

How will the effect of the expenditure be measured?


1:1 tutoring – Maths – Year 6

Identified pupils are provided with a timetabled program of support which is used to close gaps in understanding and to support the pupil back in the classroom to transfer this learning.  Additional LSA’s have been employed to release members of existing staff to run this intervention. 


Progress is best made when the adult knows the child well and builds a good relationship.

Progress is best made when pupil mental health is good and additional support will also provide a trusted adult who knows the whole child.

Historically within school, most progress has been made from interventions that take place outside of the classroom, when they are successfully built upon back in lessons.  The tutor will support this process by also supporting identified students within class maths lessons.


75 pupils to receive intervention by the end of the academic year.


Past Year 6 test papers used pre and post intervention.

Initial findings after the first  cohort of 26  pupils have each completed 15 hours of tutoring, is that the average percentage increase in score for the group was 43%.

Small group tutoring – Reading – Year 5

Identified pupils are provided with a weekly small group session (max 1:3) with pupils identified as having a similar reading difficulty.  1:1 assessment carried out individually for each pupil prior to intervention. Teacher with expertise in this area to deliver interevention.

Identification of the specific reading difficulty is essential in order to close the gap. 


Quality first teaching by a member of staff who specialises in this area to plan and deliver intervention sessions

36 pupils to receive intervention by the end of the academic year.

YARC assessment to be carried out pre and post intervention – firstly to identify specific area of need and secondly to measure progress sin this area.